Step up your medical knowledge by answering challenging quiz questions!Challenge friends, family or even random people in this quiz game! Prove you are the smartest not only by answering quiz questions, but also helping us develop this quiz app into the best around. There are a large number of questions prepared by exam experts that cover the range of official EMT exam requirements. In total, there are four certification categories for you to choose from, from easy to hard, according to the increasing difficulty and requirements of the exam, including EMR, EMT, AEMT, Paramedic & Nursing. Each category contains all five officially required exam subjects, each of which can be subdivided into a dozen areas according to the exam requirements. You have the flexibility to choose which subjects you need to practice, depending on your situation.Specifically, these subjects include:• Airway, Respiration, and Ventilation• Cardiology and Resuscitation• EMS Operations• Medical and Obstetrics/Gynecology• Trauma• & More